Gratitude Day 8: A Real Super Hero

Gratitude Day 8 Question: What have others done that you are benefiting from in your life (even if you don’t know who those people are)?
It being Veterans Day the first people that come to mind are the military, the soldiers who have served and are serving our country. There is one veteran whom I am thankful I got to know because he made me realize just how much our soldiers have done and are doing for us. We benefit tremendously from their sacrifice, courage, and bravery.
I met Mr. Harrison while working as a teacher. He was a fellow American History instructor. One year he asked me to help him submit his information to the Library of Congress’s Veterans History Project. I had no idea the incredible journey we were about to embark on. I learned about his courage and bravery. I had the opportunity to interview him about his experience in the army, about his time in Vietnam. He showed me his Purple Hearts among many other medals he earned. He had already given so much of his life defending our country and here he was teaching young middle schoolers about U.S. History. He served as a wonderful role model to each and every student. His strength and courage continues to inspire me. Mr. Harrison is a real life super hero!
Affirmation: Every person that touches my life enriches it. I am thankful to them.